Flat Bush

(09) 274 8279 20 Flat Bush Rd Otara, Auckland


We work for each other

  • Find all your family clothes that do not fit and create something from them, eg, cushions, dress, shorts, bag

  • Make a list with your family to see who can come up with the most things in your home that represent 6 Forces of Energy and inquire each family member to inquire on them

  • Write a song / poem / rap  with your family to describe the 6 Forces of Energy

  • Make a vegetable garden with your family, ie, grow vegetables your family usually eat and cook them

  • You and your family to sketch a picture of an energy each, eg, Car Moving (Motion), Volcano Erupting  (Heat), etc. Then find the best picture and celebrate this with your family.

  • Create a certificate to give to the family member that has the best sketch of a Force of Energy and have a prize giving day to celebrate this


We encourage each other

  • Email your teacher and tell her what you are doing or what you are learning

  • Create a Tik Tok encouraging people to wear a mask

  • Write down three things you have done to help those in your bubble.  Keep a daily record

  • Hide some objects and create a treasure map for someone in your family to follow

  • Learn how to say “You Are Amazing” in 5 different languages.  

  • Learn the alphabet in sign language.  


We care for and respect others

  • Organise a day with siblings or by yourself to make a father's day card. Be creative. 

  • Complete a physical activity challenge and include someone from your ‘bubble’

  • Create a chart to record how many steps you do everyday, then tally them up in a graph, to find out how  you can improve.

  • Help out around the house. Write down the chores you did today.Ask if you can do some baking with an older family member. 

  • Read  the story about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego  and reflect on the choices that they have made. This will help you with the choices that you will be making whilst staying at home.

  • Extension work: Write about the sacrifices that  Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego made, you can write a narrative story. You can have them as superheros.                      


We value others

  • Challenge your family bubble - who can say the alphabet backward the fastest

  • Create a ‘Joy Jar’. Each day, write a sentence on a piece of paper about what made you joyful that day

  • Put time aside every day to share something that you value on that day

  • Sit quietly & write about what you can hear, smell, see, touch & taste

  • Play a game of charades with your family

  • List or draw three things you will do when lockdown is over

Tū Pono 

We know who we are

  • Creating your family tree consists of 3 generations. Ask mum, dad or another adult at home to help you.

  • Write a diary/journals to remember the positive things you do/inspire when you are with your loved ones during lockdown.

  • Interview siblings and/or cousins on what they would like to become in the future? and why? (interview cousins using google meet , messenger, phone calls etc). Make sure to keep a record of the responses.

  • Create  your pepeha in your native language.  Ask mum or dad to help you and if they have different languages, try to use both languages.

  • If you are able to become an essential worker to battle covid 19, what would you choose and why? eg. nurse, doctor, Police officers

Mahi Ngatahi 

We work as a team

  • A chain reaction set up at home using different types of forces (ie: dominoes)

  • Choose a day to work outside together, each family will have an area to cover...e.g. Garden, mowing the lawn, picking up rubbish

  • Help out around the house. Write down the chores you did today.Ask if you can do some baking with an older family member.

  • Read a book (maybe one of your Duffy books) to someone in your whanau or the bible

  • Start each day saying the Karakia Timatanga with your whanau.

  • Create a dance/skit with your brothers and sisters to show your whanau

Physical Activities

  • Bean Bag Toss:  make targets on the floor to try and toss bean bags into.  Give each target points.  See who can get the most points.  

  • Play some cooperative games.  Click on this website for ideas 

  • A family obstacle course using different types of forces (i.e. push pull)

  • Create an obstacle course in your garden - use it at least once a day

  • Every hour on the hour, pick a movement from the list below and do it for at least one minute 

      • Push ups, Planks

      • Lunges, Squats

      • Burpees, bear crawls

      • High knees, Star jumps

      • A move of your own choice

  • Sweep the paths outside your house and pull out any weeds that might be growing in the cracks